Weather vane shows wearing of black paint (as is). It is offered for sale by dealer 138.
The amber platter costs $25.00. Platter is offered by dealer 138.
The cupboard was $450.00 and is now on sale for $225.00. You will have the cabinet in booth 79 by dealer 33.
This tie-cast International costs $25.00. Tractor can be found in the booth of dealer 12.
The ballerina turns and the clock works. Dealer 12 offers the clock at $150.00
The Roseville stand and pot cost $300.00 from dealer 12.
This tractor costs $37.00 . Dealer 12 owns this toy
Each rod costs $85.00. Dealer 138 owns these items. Please visit the Antique Warehouse to view these items.
Picnic basket did cost $65.00 and now is on sale for $50.00. Dealer 138 owns this item.
The beautiful pitcher has a colored design added to top of glass. Dealer 138 owns this item. Pitcher costs $63.00.