This 4.5″ hankerchief bowl made with Venitian ribbon glass was made by Fratelli Toso in Murano, Italy. Gorgeous in person! $125.00 Dealer 28 Please also...
6.25″ beautiful Jerusalem glass vase. $25.00 Dealer 28 Please also follow The Rad Pad vintage store on facebook for up to date information
Vintage LeMans Snobil Unopened Snowmobile Oil $20.00 Booth #26.
This dealer along with other dealers in mall has many patterns of pink depression. Come check out the depression glass at the antique mall.
Miscellaneous items
Baskets, pitchers, tumblers, creamer, sugars, etc
Bowls are in case O. Dealer 119 offers rose bowls at $75.00 and $150.00 .